Privacy Policy

We Brand Off (referred to as “Our Company”,“us”), based on our own management philosophy and standard of conduct, will contribute to society together to earn customer's trust and promote business activities to meet customer's expectations. Personal Information is a customer's valuable asset which should be strictly managed. Even to our company, it is an important asset as a source for new value creation. Our Company will handle Personal Information in accordance to with the following Basic Policy.

Basic Policy

Our Company complys with the Personal Information Protection Law and laws, regulations and other rules associated with it or this law.
Our Company will steadily implement the “Brand Off's Personal Information Protection Program” (referred to as our company's regulations below) and strive for maintenance together with continual improvement.

Our Company to established a management system for privacy protection. In addition to informing our company's regulations to our directors and employees and make every efforts to comply with and strictly abide by them.

Our Company will only handle customer's personal information to the extent of its clarified purpose of use. Also our company will not disclose or provide information to third parties other than for legitimate purposes or proper reasons.

Our Company will maintain accurate up-to-date personal information along with make efforts to prevent unauthorized access, loss, corruption and tampering of personal information data.

Our Company will sincerely and rapidly respond to the inquiries, request of disclosures of personal information from our customers.

December 3th, 2019
K-Brand Off Co. Ltd. President & Representative Director
Yuya Yamauchi

Purpose of Use for Personal Information

In the case the Customer provides us with his personal information, our company will state the purpose of use in advance, and will use it to the extent of its purpose.
If for any reason there is a need to use Customer's personal information beyond the range or significantly different from that stated in the Privacy Policy, we will notify the customer of its purpose and will ask for your consent before using this information.

Customer's Personal Information

1)Shipment of Goods or Items

2)Sending Information for Item, Service, Events

3)Corresponding to Consultation, Inquiries

4)Issuing a Warranty, and providing Warranty Service

5)Providing Variety of Services for Registered Members

6)Research Surveys for Product Development, Implement Monitor

7)Negotiations, Meetings with Customer or Client

(Every) Sales Contact, Other Company Executives, Employee's Personal Information

1)For required on-the-job or Business Contact Information, Negotiations

2)Client Company's Information Management, Payments, Processing Revenues

Job Applicants Personal Information

1)Provide Information and Contact Job Applicants Internship included)

2)Our Company's Recruitment Service Management or Employment Business Management

Procedure to Request for Disclosure

Customer's Personal Information held by Our Company

1)Request for Disclosure

2)Request for Notification for Use of Purpose

3)Request for Revision

4)Request to Add

5)Request for Deletion

6)Our Company is corresponding with the Request for suspension of use and suspension for provision to third parties

Contact For Personal Information Disclosure

For a request for disclosure of information, please send us your request by post through our designated or prescribed form by filling out the necessary requirements.
Please send us the form using a method that allows the document to be tracked. In addition we would appreciate it if you would write Personal Information Request on the envelope in red bold letters.

Provision of Personal Information

Our Company will not provide Customer's Personal Information to a third party with exception to or except for the following circumstances.

1)Has Customer's Consent

2)Based on Laws and Regulations

3)Need to protect human life or asset and it has not been possible to get the customer's consent.

4)In the case Personal Information is entrusted, it is to be handled to the extent of its intended purpose or extent of range for its achieved purpose of use.

5)Merger, Company Split, Business Transfer or any other reason the business or enterprise gives approval.

Our Company, in spite of the above 1.contract provision, may give the customer's name, address, contact phone number to our affiliated companies and Dealer Shops if we determine that it is appropriate for them or the concerned to attend to the matter. In this case, the customer can request to suspend providing personal information to the involved or concerned companies or parties.

Personal Information Inquiry

For Inquiry of Personal Information, please request information at your registered shop, division, (in case of web, request at Website Information).

For Inquiries concerning our Privacy Policy and in the case that the Application Window is unknown, please request to the following person in charge


In the case that the customer has registered his personal information through the web site or web page, or entered personal information in the process of purchasing an item or using our service, please contact the person and address given below.

2)In the case the customer needs a written reply or a reply in writing , then please give us your written request or request in writing. It should be noted that if you request information disclosure or Purpose of Use in writing, that we will receive a handling fee.

Other Matters

Our “Privacy Policy” stated hereof only concerns only of Personal Information handled by K-Brand Off Co., Ltd. in Japan. (Information handled at our) Domestic Affiliated Companies and Overseas Offices are not included.

Please understand in advance that if you do not give us your personal information then you may not be able to use some of the services provided by us (including services managed by our company's website).

We ask Customers under the age of 16 to give us personal information with parental consent. Or Customers under the age of 16 cannot give us personal information without parental consent.

To provide better, faster and safer service, our company may use cookies and web beacons on our website.

We do not hold any responsibility and we do not accept any responsibility for confirming safety of Customer's personal information in third party websites linked from our website.

Our company may revise the Privacy Policy to provide better protection for the customer's personal information or due to the changes in related laws and regulations.

Please note that there may be banner advertisements delivered from Yahoo and Third-Party Ad Servers. In connection, these companies may be using the cookie information of our website users.

Place to Request Personal Information Disclosure

1-278 hogo Kanazawa shi, Ishikawa, 921-8052, Japan
+81-76-292-0402(Main no.)
K-Brand Off Co., Ltd. To Person in Charge of Personal Information